Tarragindi Scout Group Membership Fees
Fees vary depending on when you join. Below is a typical full year fee structure based on the 2024 fees. As a rule of thumb, each term, the fees reduce by 25%.
Scouts QLD Membership Fee
Family Fee
Group Insurance Levy
Section Fee
Volunteer Levy
$186 / $247
Existing / New Members
Provides youth member programs and access to Scouts Qld Facilities​.
This fee is only paid once per family. Goes towards expenses to run the Den eg. Rates, Utilities & Maintenance.
To pay Scouts Qld to provide insurance for each youth member​.
Goes toward the week to week expenses to run great Scout nights and events​.
Refundable levy to encourage parent & carer participation.
Tarragindi Scout Group is run entirely by volunteers. ​
As a parent or carer at Tarragindi Scout Group, it is expected that you contribute to the running of the group in some way. ​
There are many opportunities to volunteer such as:​
Become a Leader and run weekly Scout nights (receive discounted fees) ​
Join the committee​
Volunteer at BBQs & Den clean ups​
Support fundraising activities​
Give the bathrooms or kitchen a good once over when dropping off or picking up your Scout​
Families that volunteer at least one hour per person at three events will not be charged the Volunteer Levy. We would much rather you come and have some fun and volunteer than charge the levy.​
Refund Policy
As the majority of costs are fixed annual payments we are unable to offer a refund on Membership Fees or Group Levies. ​
Section fees:​
Where a youth member resigns from Scouts Queensland during the school term, the proportionate prepaid section fees can be refunded by Tarragindi Scout Group upon request.​
Scouts Qld membership fees:​
Enquiries for refunds of Scouts Qld Memberships to be directed to Scouts Qld.​
Please email treasurer@tarragindi.scoutsqld.com.au to request a refund of prepaid Section fees.​