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Cub Scouts are boys and girls between 8-10 years of age.
Cub Scouts is the second section into Scouts. It’s for boys and girls aged 8 to 10 and it’s all about adventure! These ages may vary up to 6 months. If you enjoy fun, games and learning new skills then you’ll love being a Cub Scout! Life as a Cub Scout is full of adventure and teamwork. As a member of a ‘Six’ you and your Pack will work together to explore the world. Your Cub Scout Leader will help you along the way and encourage you to participate in Scouting activities. You’ll learn life-long skills and participate in the Cub Scouts Award Scheme and earn badges, make friends and have fun! Cub Scouts are keen to learn, belong, and have fun, so our activities are designed to stimulate their emotional and adventurous spirits.

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